Man wearing a white shirt and helmet holds a tablet, standing in front of a wind turbine

Efficiently measure, analyze, and report Scope 3 GHG emissions.

Unlock actionable insights into your supply chain’s carbon footprint, streamline regulatory reporting, and accelerate your path to net-zero.

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Gain visibility into your Scope 3 emissions.

Track, monitor, and understand your indirect greenhouse gas emissions.

Accelerate GHG Emissions Reductions

Focus your efforts on the suppliers that matter most for reducing your carbon footprint.

Emissions Data for Net-Zero and Regulatory Requirements

Capture emissions data, including supplier-specific insights, to support your organization’s net-zero goals and regulatory reporting requirements.

Key Features of Scope 3 Emissions Reporting.

Scope 3 emissions calculation

Get an estimated Scope 3 emissions baseline, automatically calculated from your spend data (purchased goods and services) and relevant industry-specific emissions factors.

Emission hotspot identification

Quickly pinpoint the top 50 carbon-intensive suppliers in your supply chain.

Carbon dashboard

Gain a comprehensive view including year-over-year GHG emissions (in metric tons of CO2e), along with the corresponding spend data, carbon intensity (kg CO2e/dollar), and the percentage of suppliers contributing to 80% of your Scope 3 emissions.

Global emissions map

Visualize your supply chain’s emissions on an interactive world map, highlighting high-impact areas by country and supplier count.

Our products work better together.

Each product is powerful alone but they’re even better when used together.

Insights at your fingertips.

A Data-Driven Approach to Scope 3 GHG Measurements and Action

Get a baseline and start measuring your Scope 3 greenhouse gasses today with the data already at your fingertips.

Read the blog
Better Scope 3 Data and Tackling the Net Zero Challenge

Leading procurement teams are using various tools to measure supplier emissions impact and target high-risk suppliers. In this session, we’ll discuss the challenges of reaching net-zero, including Scope 3 reporting, and how can help.

Watch the webinar
Data insights to lowering supply chain emissions and reaching net zero

Get the right data to reliably meet your ESG goals including lowering Scope 3 emissions and meeting Net Zero targets

Read the blog