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Expand tier 2 reporting to your current suppliers.

Turn your supplier diversity program into a global force by engaging all your current suppliers, making it easy for them to report on their own diverse spend.

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Push reporting down the supply chain.

“Tier 2 reporting” is when organizations ask their suppliers to report on their own diverse spend. With Tier 2 reporting you can measure more, scale your impact, and show more ways suppliers are supporting your mission.

Supplier reporting submissions up to 2X the industry average with managed services.

Graph Graph

How it works.

Unlock even more impact with the platform, data, training, and support you need to launch a global Tier 2 program. We simplify the reporting process for your suppliers, so there are no barriers to bringing supplier diversity down your supply chain.

Example of a Tier 2 Spending Report

Unlock even more impact with the platform, data, training, and support you need to launch a global Tier 2 program. We simplify the reporting process for your suppliers, so there are no barriers to bringing supplier diversity down your supply chain.

  • Set up a central way for your suppliers to easily report on how much they spend with diverse suppliers.
  • Regularly communicate with suppliers to capture their data and train them on the portal.
  • Report the verified results as part of your overall supplier diversity program.

Run your Tier 2 Program with for big benefits.

Launch with ease

We provide a comprehensive onboarding plan to help you set up your program, invite your suppliers, and train them on the easy-to-use reporting platform.

Get bigger results

Our customers can see supplier reporting submissions up to 2x the industry average with our managed services and ongoing follow-up with suppliers.

Simplify program management

With our software, training, support, and management, you’ll be able to manage your supplier reporting without additional overhead.

Increase compliance

Our centralized reporting platform makes it easy for your prime suppliers to report once and share those results across many of their customers, resulting in a higher rate of reporting for you.

Key Features.

The features you need for the results you deserve.

Centralized dashboard and metrics

Easily track results and monitor the progress of your Tier 2 program from a single dashboard.

Managed services

Our expert team helps launch the program, train your suppliers, regularly reach out to them, and track results.

Automated data validation

Integration with our global supplier database automatically verifies the certifications for every supplier reported by your primes.

Centralized dashboard and metrics

Easily track results and monitor the progress of your Tier 2 program from a single dashboard.

Managed services
Automated data validation

Insights at your fingertips.

Aramark increased the number of small and diverse suppliers by 25% in 12 months and increased Tier 2 diversity spend by 133% in one year.

Read case study

Ford is building an impressive Tier 2 program. Learn how they make Tier 2 easy for suppliers, and helpful for Ford.

Read blog’s 6th State of Supplier Diversity Report revealed big changes in the primary drivers of supplier diversity.

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