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Ensure accurate and efficient Scope 3 reporting.

Now you can effortlessly track, analyze, and report to get actionable metrics ready to meet regulatory reporting pressure or your next ESG report. No more manual reports or last-minute scrambling.

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Gain visibility into your Scope 3 GHG emissions for all your purchased goods and services.

1 Assess you Scope 3 supplier GHG emissions


Use easily available purchasing data to analyze your spend data on purchased goods and services to identify where you have the biggest carbon footprint in your supply chain.

2 Track your suppliers’ carbon footprint over time
3 Identify opportunities by suppliers and business unit


Use easily available purchasing data to analyze your spend data on purchased goods and services to identify where you have the biggest carbon footprint in your supply chain.

Analyze your data over time to track your progress toward net zero.  Identify suppliers who need the most help meeting your sustainability standards and those that are adding more value over time.

Make the data more actionable by breaking it down by business unit and location so you can provide your internal stakeholders with clearer goals and objectives.

Key Features.

Spot trends and find opportunities.

Quickly identify the biggest GHG emitters in your supply chain. Use the data to effectively build an ongoing partnership and program for improvement.

Find and prepare the data you need.

Quickly turn your data into insight-rich reports ready to share with executive management or for external reporting requirements.

Monitor progress to goals over time.

Set your net-zero goals and track progress over time. Identify which suppliers and spend categories are on track and those that need more help.

Provide data-driven recommendations to improve.

Monitor and track Scope 3 GHG emissions by your own locations and business units. Provide business leaders with actionable data to help them own and improve their own suppliers’ emissions.

Our products work better together.

Each product is powerful alone, but they’re even better when used together.

Insights at your fingertips. announced a full line of ESG and sustainability solutions.

Read more experts share  how companies are gaining supply chain ESG visibility and supplier sustainability details.

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Learn how the top 20% of programs operate to beat industry benchmarks by 2-3x. Uncover actionable ways companies of any size can improve their supplier diversity program.

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