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Strategies for Achieving Net-Zero Targets and Unlocking Supply Chain Sustainability

Procurement teams are in a unique position to lead the charge on sustainability. With the right data, tools, and supplier engagement, they can help their companies reach net-zero targets and build more sustainable supply chains.

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In a recent and CDP webinar, we had the pleasure of featuring Cecilia (Ceal) Giordano, Sustainable Supply Chain Manager at CDP, to tackle one of the toughest challenges companies face today: Reducing Scope 3 emissions and getting suppliers aligned with sustainability goals.

As the push for net-zero targets intensifies, procurement teams are increasingly being called upon to step up and take a leading role in driving these efforts forward. The following is a summary of the discussion.

The evolving role of procurement

Daniel Dorr, VP of Marketing at, opened the discussion by pointing out how procurement’s role has changed: “It used to be all about cost. But now, procurement is adding real business value.” This expanded role includes sustainability and supplier diversity, making procurement critical to a company’s success. More and more, decisions are being made based on how sustainable a company’s supply chain is, and procurement teams are in the driver’s seat.

Organizations are facing increased scrutiny, and Daniel made it clear: “Years ago, it was enough to say you had a sustainable procurement program or a net-zero target, but now companies are expected to show hard numbers and progress.” This shift means procurement has to take the lead in delivering real, measurable results.

Addressing Scope 3 emissions: The big challenge

A big topic during the webinar was Scope 3 emissions—those are the indirect emissions that come from a company’s supply chain. As Cecilia (Ceal) Giordano, Sustainable Supply Chain Account Manager at CDP, explained, “Scope 3 makes up the bulk of a company’s emissions footprint.” It’s a huge factor for almost every industry.

CDP’s research backs this up: supply chain emissions are, on average, 26 times larger than a company’s direct emissions (Scope 1 and 2). Ceal stressed that no company can meet its net-zero goals without getting suppliers involved. “Your net-zero targets can’t be achieved on your own. Your suppliers need to act, too.”

The power of data-driven procurement

To make smart decisions and push for sustainability, companies need accurate data from their suppliers, but that’s often a major hurdle. As Laura Noonan, Senior Product Marketing Manager at, explained, “Without accurate emissions data, it’s hard to know where to focus or how to reduce Scope 3 emissions.”

The reality is, many suppliers don’t have the right expertise or tools to track their emissions accurately. This is where platforms like come in, helping to fill that gap. As Ceal Giordano from CDP pointed out, “What gets measured gets managed.” Accurate data isn’t just a checkbox—it’s the foundation for making meaningful changes.

CDP and partnership is closing the data gap

A key announcement during the webinar was the new partnership between CDP and Together, they’re working to bridge the data gap and improve transparency. With CDP’s extensive dataset now available through, procurement teams can evaluate their suppliers’ environmental performance with more confidence.

Daniel explained, “Primary supplier data is now available for procurement leaders, giving them the quality and detail they need to make informed decisions.” This partnership helps cut down on the need for multiple surveys, reducing the burden on suppliers while streamlining the process of collecting sustainability data. As Ceal put it, “We’re reducing supplier fatigue and making this information more accessible.”

From data to action–you must engage suppliers

Having the right data is only the first step; the next is turning that data into action. Ceal highlighted how engaging suppliers on their environmental performance can make a real difference. CDP’s data shows that suppliers who work with CDP and their customers on sustainability are more likely to take action to reduce emissions.

Ceal also shared a powerful stat: suppliers that engage with CDP regularly see significant emissions reductions within just three years. “This shows how important ongoing supplier engagement is,” she said. Procurement teams need to be proactive and work closely with suppliers to see meaningful progress.

What procurement teams can do next

The webinar gave procurement teams a clear roadmap to take their sustainability efforts to the next level:

  • Data is key: Accurate emissions data from suppliers is essential for understanding and reducing Scope 3 emissions. Platforms like provide the data companies need at scale.
  • Collaboration is crucial: Engaging suppliers is vital for making real progress on sustainability goals.
  • Start early: With 2030 fast approaching, companies need to engage suppliers now. Early action is key to finding the right levers for emissions reductions and staying on track with ambitious near-term net-zero targets.

In short, procurement teams are in a unique position to lead the charge on sustainability. With the right data, tools, and supplier engagement, they can help their companies reach net-zero targets and build more sustainable supply chains.

As Ceal summed it up, “Your company’s sustainability journey can’t happen alone. It takes partnerships, collaboration, and a commitment to transparency.” By making these principles part of procurement practices, companiescan not only hit their environmental goals but also create lasting change across their value chains.

Watch the on-demand webinar at CDP Data for Net-Zero and Supply Chain Sustainability

To learn about the CDP data available in the platform, read Data insights to lowering supply chain emissions and reaching net zero |™ 

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