Supplier diversity partnership

Find more suppliers including small, diverse, and sustainable.

We can help with competitive and alternate sourcing by identifying new suppliers including small, diverse, and sustainable ones you might otherwise miss.

Get actionable ideas to grow your program

53% of the Fortune 100 use

Plan for your successful alternate and responsible sourcing program.

Learn what The Hackett Group and are seeing with responsible sourcing programs across the country, including the biggest trends and initiatives of the coming year.

Watch the webinar
2024 ESG & Supplier Diversity Predictions

Easily find more suppliers with the industry’s most comprehensive, accurate, and reliable data

including small, diverse, and sustainable suppliers.


suppliers of all sizes including small, diverse, & sustainable


supplier insights & data points


avg customer records updated monthly


historical spend data

Ready. Set. Grow.

From high-level to hyper-specific, we make it easy to find credible suppliers you need including local, small, diverse, and sustainable ones. And with unlimited access, everyone in your organization can be empowered to find local suppliers to meet their individual needs.

Supplier intelligence platform
for better sourcing outcomes.

Our powerful platform helps organizations with data visibility, sourcing, and measurements to manage cost, volatility, and risk in your supply chain.

Turn knowledge into action

Know where you source today, who they are, and identify future sourcing opportunities.

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Measure the impact of your program

Track more data on your Tier 2 suppliers and measure the impact of your program on communities and people.

Learn more