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Getting your supplier diversity metrics board ready

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Driving business value with supplier diversity programs

The 2023 State of Supplier Diversity report clearly demonstrated that executive support and interest in supplier diversity has held strong, data is taking center stage in programs and politics and the economy are not slowing programs down. 

This means it is time to review your metrics and ensure that you’re taking a data driven approach to your program that goes beyond just measuring your total diverse spend.  It’s time to shift your focus to analyzing opportunities and holding business unit leaders accountable with actionable and reliable data you all can trust to grow your program. 

Join Aylin Basom, CEO of and Chris Sawchuk, Principal, Global Practice Leader of The Hackett Group as they discuss: 

  • What data your senior leaders and board want to see from supplier diversity leaders 
  • Why they want that data and how they are leveraging the information 
  • What they expect of your program 
  • Common pitfalls in supplier diversity data to avoid 
  • How you can build a data driven program that your executives will invest in, and your procurement peers will thank you for 

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