2023 Supplier.io Economic Impact Report

Learn how supplier diversity programs are having a positive impact on the communities they serve. Read about the impact they're having, how that is achieved, and specific companies that are Supply Chain Diversity Leaders who are supporting tens of thousands of jobs.

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2023 State of Supplier Diversity Report

Check out the latest trends in supplier diversity programs across the country including what's working, not working, and how your peers are addressing key challenges.

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2023 Supplier Diversity Benchmarking Report

Supplier.io’s first annual Benchmarking Report is now available! Like the State of Supplier Diversity Report, our Benchmarking Report will examine key successes, opportunities, and trends of programs across the country.

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Research - 333 Years to Parity

What's the potential impact of all these supplier diversity programs on MBEs? We analyzed the trend data to find out how well we're truly improving things for MBEs over time.

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2022 State of Supplier Diversity Report

Check out the latest trends in supplier diversity programs across the country including what's working, not working, and how your peers are addressing key challenges.

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AON 2021 Economic Impact Report

See how Aon tracks the economic impact of their supplier diversity program, and shares those results with public in the annual report

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