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3 Supplier Diversity Resolutions

‘Tis the season for goal setting! Set new year goals for your supplier diversity program that set you up for success. Here are 3 supplier diversity goals to consider.

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Supplier Diversity Data & Management Solution from Now Available on SAP® Store

Supplier Diversity Data & Management Solution from Now Available on SAP® Store

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Why good data is the backbone

What single aspect of your business affects the health and strength of your supplier diversity program the most? Answer: your data! Programs with strong, accurate, and reliable data place themselves in a position for success and are better able to scale their operations to promote growth.

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Empowering Supplier Diversity Managers to Succeed in All Economies

Explore 5 ways you can continue to grow your program, even in this difficult economy

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How To Assess the Effectivenesss of Your Supplier Diversity Program

Learn the four steps that will help your team align on its goals, measure your success, and develop a lasting, effective supplier diversity program.

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4 Advantages of Having a Supplier Portal

A Supplier Portal doesn't just make your job easier by aggregating information. I can be a gold-mine of information to help you find new opportunities. Learn how.

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Customer Spotlight: Ford (Part 2)

Ford is building an impressive Tier 2 program. Learn how they make Tier 2 easy for suppliers and helpful for Ford.

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Customer Spotlight: Ford (Part 1)

Supplier diversity is in the DNA at Ford. But it was getting difficult to manage all the different suppliers and requests. Learn how a supplier registration portal helped them scale their program.

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